Sunday, July 4, 2010

A Knock on the Door

I was slowly and peacefully starting my 4th of July day when the VVDH knocks at the bathroom door and informs me that our littlest grandbaby has let Mama Lexie know that today is her day to 'meet the world'! With just a few short words, the adrenaline starts to rush and my mind starts to race.

There is food to pack, special drinks to put in the cooler, and a final check with the people who need to take over milking duty. All of this done with a veerrrryyyy calm attitude, rather than the laughter and anxiousness just waiting to bubble over.

Lexie and her Watson have opted to have this baby at a birthing center as opposed to a hospital. Lexie had Peanut completely naturally and expects to do the same with this one. This is a hard feat to accomplish in a hospital where the typical staff feels that labor is a 'medical procedure' rather than a very normal and natural event, (other than the rare case when intervention is necessary and appropriate.)

I go along to act as a birthing coach; what a priviledge it is to be asked to share in this very special and private affair - aren't I a lucky mother! And for those of you wondering, yes, oh yes, it is incredibly difficult to see your own well-loved child in pain and is sometimes all one can do to stay calm and keep your own tears at bay.

And so to all of you - have a fun and Happy Independence Day! You already know that ours will be an especially exciting one....


  1. welcome new baby!! : ) how exciting! : )
    ~ Ashley

  2. I have tears in my eyes reading this - brings back memories of one of the best days of my life, thanks for being such an amazing mom and nana, you were amazing, - and aren't I the lucky one to have a mom like you in my life? love you.
