Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A Ladies Tea

Lexie and her 'almost here' little girl were honored Saturday evening with a Ladies Tea! A number of Lexie's close friends attended and she had a wonderful time just sitting back and visiting the evening away, without the interruptions of the dear wee ones or the also dear husbands.

It was an evening for tables dripping with starched white linens overlayed with embroidered linens and flower arrangements at the center of each of the tables.

We served baskets of fresh croissants, cheese platters (including our Wild Rabbit Farm goat cheese!), meat platters, fresh fruit bowls, deviled eggs (thank you chicken girls for the luscious orange yolks!), Welsh currant scones, and of course, several delicious teas.

And not to be forgotten - a beautiful and delicious custom cake from the bakery (chocolate with a chocolate ganache layer - yum!!) Almost as beautiful as my girls!

It was such a girlie night!

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