Monday, March 29, 2010

The Visit

So Sam, my big brother, has now come and gone. What fun it was to catch up and watch him interact with my own family. Everyone always loves him and Lexie's baby was no exception, "Where did Uncle go?" I've been asked numerous times since.

The weather cooperated and new fencing got put up in the back pasture as we work to convert it from horse pasture to goat pasture, with another four feet of electric wire on top to discourage the wild interlopers which we must remain ever vigilant of. A couple of ducks have taken up occasional residence in the small pond and they were fun to watch coming in for a landing.

We managed to sneak away to Orcas Island and of course drove up to Mt. Constitution. The views are magnificent as the San Juan Islands float in the distance. What I really love though is the watch tower. I can imagine myself making a home in it, four little rooms, one on each of the levels. I imagine it would be very cold within the stone walls, but my imagination stretches to beautiful big fireplaces in each room as well. Aren't imaginations wonderful....

1 comment:

  1. yes imaginations are wonderful. I love the image you paint...
